Little Miss Coder

Miss E had her first day of Apple Camp today. It was at the Apple Store in Milton Keynes.
I was determined not to be late and run through Debenhams with seconds to spare. So, leaving Miss L in Mr K's capable hands, we set off in plenty of time and got there ten minutes early. It's like a whole new world!!
They gave all the children Apple t-shirts when they got there and once they were all settled in all the grown ups went downstairs and had our own Q&A and information session. I learnt things about my iPhone and laptop that I hadn't known before. It was very interesting!! Especially the tips about restrictions and controls!!
When we went back upstairs after an hour and a half we found all the kids totally focussed on iPads, all wearing Beats headphones and engrossed in the games they'd coded. Miss E had clearly loved it.
She was really sweet as we left asking could we spend a bit more time out - she said she loves it when it's just me and her. In Milton Keynes!
We went to Marks and Spencers to get her some trainer socks. She has hideously stinky feet when she doesn't wear socks, then we went to Claire's Accessories for a headband. And ended up buying six things as it was buy three get three free!!
I let Miss E choose where we had lunch and she plumped for Pizza Hut. I shared her salad bowl while she tucked into her Margherita. And I used my NUS card for my 20% discount. On a £6.50 bill. Bargain!!
It was lovely having time with her. She was chatty and wanted to hold my hand the whole time. Wonderful!
We had a couple of hours at home with Miss L then it was time for the dentist. Doesn't time fly?
Mr K was taking them as I just can't face it. Pathetic I know. 
For some inexplicable reason he asked me in front of the Little Misses if I wanted to come - moral support.
Yes, Mummy, you come too.
Bloody hell.
I stayed in the waiting room when they went in. When Miss E started wailing and screaming in the chair (for no reason apparently) I had to stand out of the way on the stairs and stick my fingers in my ears. I must have looked like a loon.
But all was well apparently. 
Apart from the lack of enamel, the overbite, the crooked teeth and the teeth coming through where there's no space......
We popped to Waitrose afterwards for chicken, Thai basil, Aptimel and free tea, then it was to Fat Club. 
Rather miraculously after our gluttonous weekend I lost a pound. Woohoo!!!


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