A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


A younger member of the graphics team demonstrating rotation about a horizontal axis - knowing him, he'll be using quaternions to do it.

'Official' company social events are somewhat rare (I've no problem with that) so it was a bit of a surprise when a Summer BBQ afternoon was announced. It turned out to be a excellent afternoon in the garden of a local-ish pub, playing a mixture of frisby, croquet, boule, jenga, football and Martian Dice - and a bit of bouncing on the castle.

In the evening, M and I watched an episode of Firefly as a relief from the sporting pink-o-lympics.

That said, the [olympic] gymnastics earlier was moderately awesome - speaking as one who'd want a ladder to reach the high bar, let alone do anything with it other than hang there waiting for the ladder to come back.

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