
Something clearly caught Ms. Piliated Wookpecker's eye as she headed up the post to the high feeder, but I couldn't focus on her and also follow her gaze, so I'll never know what it was.

But I do know that I probably looked very much like her this evening as we watched the third night of the Democratic National Convention. What a plethora of superb speakers we enjoyed! The urgent need for commonsense gun control was brought home by the daughter of the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School, who was killed while trying to protect her students from a lone gunman, and two of the three survivors of the Mother Emanuel Church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, among others.

Tim Kaine, the Vice Presidential candidate, was a warm, engaging speaker, as was outgoing Vice President Joe Biden -- but no one could top the President's speech tonight. Barack Obama is one of the most gifted speakers I've ever heard -- thoughtful, clear, and direct. 

Hillary Clinton will accept the Democratic nomination and give a major speech Thursday evening. I'll be watching this historic event with delight -- and wishing that my mother and grandmother could see it, too.

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