A Day of Noise

Its started in the wee sma' hours with Mr Lif and Poppy snoring in tandem. I may have raised my voice and I may have flounced into the spare bedroom for the night...

Into the office and the builders had appeared again after a few days absence. Much hammer, banging and noxious fumes.

I headed home to the sanctuary of rural suburbia only to find that every man and his dog was taking advantage of the warm evening to mow and strim. Just to add even more noise into the mix the Typhoon jets from Leuchars are either having a bit of evening fun or on an exercise.....

Is there no peace today? I have the little flashes of a migraine hovering around my eyes....an early night may be on the cards

Highlight of the day it was a slow day and I am a strange beast was finding these two little blue Anemone. They have had their petals tight shut all week but the sun tempted them out. Gotta love a pretty flower :)

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