
By JillyMint

Beautiful baby

Helen insisted on bringing me home last night as she has a couple of days off. At this moment she is on her way back to London for the hockey tomorrow evening.
We are both still buzzing from the whole Olympic experience; my sister went to the rowing today and had a similarly good day. Simon is currently on Horseguard's Parade watching beach volleyball ...!
Yesterday was made special for me by the volunteer staff who were working there. Incredibly helpful and generating a happy and welcoming buzz, I don't think the events would be the same without them. I think I'll write to Boris or Seb to tell them how wonderful they were.
The Dyson engineer came today (eventually) to mend the cleaner (clutch had gone). While I was waiting for him to arrive I gardened - summer pruning the wisteria, dodging showers and emptying one of the compost bins. I nipped into the hide in the late afternoon and caught the young GSW looking very dapper and quite grown up.
NB There are no Rowan berries left on the trees

Canon1d; 420mm lens(es); ISO800; f/6.3; 1/200"

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