
"Dad, you've got a new hobby haven't you?"
"What's that then?"
"Going to the dentist's"

And so, my 10 year old daughter, this morning over pancakes in the kitchen, kind of encapsulated the last few days of activities for me. And this is of course without reading my blip from yesterday when I pretty much said the same thing.

And, if root canal treatment is about as much fun as the phrase 'root canal treatment' sounds what I can say is that as I type I am remarkably pain-free and not clock-watching for the time when I can neck some more ibuprofen or co-codamol like I have been for the last few evenings.

And, in other news, not only was I unable to go out for an early morning ride today (hence the photograph of 'rest day' cycling stuff) but now I am unable to go out on my bike completely until it gets fixed, the chain snapping quite inconveniently as I set off for my dentist's appointment today. And because I knew it was only a five minute ride away I'd set off very near the time I was due to be there, the result being that by the time I got there on the bus I was rather late for the appointment and with the next patient due shortly afterwards my dentist had to do the best she could with me in the truncated time available. She did, however, perform miracles. Hope I've not spoken too soon...

Today's Big Release

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