"Just one of those days"

By LesleyAnneLaw

Lotherton Hall...

We visited Lotherton Hall, North Leeds today.

It was a lovely day with a short rain shower which we mainly missed by looking around the house.....

Its a lovey place to visit for all ages with lots to do and see.... I love to look round the bird garden, which home's lots of different kinds of birds...... I love the colour this one and would love to see these flying around freely....as I would all birds, but I know lots of them would not survive.

Miss R is loving the school holidays so far, been able to play out is great, she's not had 1 toy out of the toy room yet so my house still looks like a home.

Mr W amd I are loving the fact that we booked time of together.... Olympic 2 week.... we are all loving it

Lovely day in Yorkshire. x

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