Meet the graveyard lawnmowers

Another trying day at home, my car is going to cost a fortune, and Willow is in GOS having her other hip well as other awful and trying things going on, and rain by the bucketful!
By early afternoon I was going stir crazy because of the rain so I decided to take myself off to Shipley church to have a look at the stained glass windows, which are mainly by Kempe.
Charles Eamer Kempe  (1837-1907) is a famous Victorian stained glass designer and manufacture. There are certain elements in stained glass that are very peculiar to his work, for example in the later works the Angel feathers are highlighted with the design of peacock feathers, see extra. Sussex was Kempe's home county and many Sussex churches contain examples of his work and St Mary the virgin, Shipley has 6 examples including the main huge east window (from which the extra was taken).
Having mooched round the church for a while, I spent some time looking round the graveyard, which is mostly fenced off so that sheep owned by the Knepp castle estate can graze between the gravestones  thus minimizing the cost of maintenance. I think they are the best looking lawn mowers I have ever seen!!

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