The Wren

By TheWren

"When I grow up ..."

"....... I'm going to be a runner!"

I'm very excited at the start of the athletics and also the emergence of my runner beans as I thought the flowers were not going to set - in fact many haven't but the elite are hanging in there! You can see the remains of the flower suspended from the largest bean which, in fact, is only half an inch long!

I've had a busy day preparing to go away tomorrow as I am off to Carrbridge, just north of Aviemore, for a week. It is easy packing for me - waterproofs, walking boots and some bottles of wine! However packing for the two rascals is worse than packing for children but I know they will love the new areas they are going to be allowed to explore. My sister-in-law vgm is coming down from Turriff to join me so I am looking forward to plenty of walking, sketching, quilting and, of course, lots of chat! I think I will have wi-fi there but will have to see. I will certainly be taking photos to share with you.

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