
Team Squirrel began competition in Pacific Northwest Stadium this afternoon with an obstacle course.  Competitor #103 was up first showing great form as he jumped from one chair (color coded to avoid confusion) and headed for the next step which was to jump a bowl of peanuts, continue across the table, down the green chair and up the back of the purple chair, over the peanuts and repeat.  He made a spectacular jump from the blue chair but never made it past the bowl of peanuts and was disqualified for not finishing the course, as was every other squirrel in this particular event.   There was some speculation that the squirrels were just too young and lacked the discipline to compete but they will be allowed to continue on with the next event which is the peanut relay. Nobody is taking any bets on that one.

Tomorrow will see some competition in the waterfowl arena, assuming somebody shows up besides the one faithful mallard who has been hanging around for the last week.  Management has a suspicion that there's been some mis-communication regarding the start date of the AOG.  

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