Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


Grey squirrels are not welcome in this area. I had hoped that this little fellow was just passing through, but he has returned after a few days. He was filling his face from one of our seed feeders. I crept into the groundstairs bedroom and started to shoot with the camera of course!. Focussing through the glass was not ideal.

Just as I crept closer, he saw me and froze. He stared at me and once he had outstared me, he was off in a flash.

I've been on  Festival business this morning. I have the promise of an article in one magazine so that's good news.

This afternoon I went for a walk in Crow Wood near Allerwash. The low dappled light was beautiful. Apart from two young boys on their bikes, I had the wood to myself. There has been a lot of flood damage to the banks of the stream.

Quizzy Monday tonight.

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