a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Touching the sky

Mono Monday: Touch

I have to admit that this is a bit of a cheat - I'm having to shoe horn the shot I was always going to blip today into the Mono Monday challenge being run by JDO this month.  I hope that she will forgive me, if I have stretched things a bit too far on this occasion. :-)

This is of course a shot of the much blipped Kelpies at Falkirk's Helix Park.  Having seen so many shots of them on Blip over the last year I really wanted to see these amazing statues in real life.  They are every bit as impressive and awe inspiring in the flesh as I thought they might be, if not even more so.  

Tonight we are back in England, staying with Cathy's brother Stephen and his wife Anne, near Manchester.  Tomorrow we are due to return home and our holiday will be over.  It has been a tremendous trip, packed with activity and culture, as well as the joy of seeing family.  

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