Today's Special

By Connections

Manual x 2

I'm trying to learn more about my Olympus E-M 10 camera, and yesterday inadvertently set it to manual focus -- the way we used to take photos, remember?

I know I could find out online or in the owner's manual how to get it back to auto focus, but I have to say that I'm enjoying the precision that manual focus permits! It's a challenge to have the camera on manual focus when taking photos of bees darting amongst the blackberry blossoms, but I was able to get several good ones today. 

The bee's effortless flight -- those wings are going so fast you can't even see them! -- and her bright eyes, as well as that fine harvest of blackberry pollen, made this my favorite.

And there's a pint of freshly-picked wild blackberries in the fridge now... a bonus!

Blip 1611

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