Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

Squirrel Blip Friday - too hot edition

Well i am publishing this blip rather late however the heat has caused me to extra tried and I fell a asleep before I could publish this.

As I was saying it has been excessively hot over the last several day making it hard are on man and animal. it felt lift 43C this afternoon it was actually 35C. This older squirrel was having a bit of issues with the heat on several occasions I saw him sit down like this to try and cool off. He grabbed  a peanut from me at one point but plopped down with peanut in mouth and just sat for several minutes. Normally the squirrel are off to either eat the peanut or find a spot to bury it for later.

Hoping it will be just a bit cooler this weekend . Happy Squirrel Blip Friday everyone - happy weekend

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