Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Golden Spirals

How's this then? Two flower blips in a row. So thrilled to see this daisy in full bloom this afternoon when we stopped to have a Guiness at Gomshall Mill (see extra). Apart from the fact I love daisies and today ended so beautifully sunny (check out the blue sky), I am always reminded of Fibonacci numbers when I see plants like this now. SO INCREDIBLE. There is so much order in nature. I am totally fascinated by the phenomena itself, and the amazing people who notice the pattern and can do the maths.

Today I got my new glasses! The lady in Specsavers took great care and time to ensure they fit perfectly. Had a quick wander in Guildford before going back to Wonersh URC, this time for a practice! After Thursday's session, we have been enlisted to help with the music, so G got a new recorder, and I treated myself to a new strap for the guitar which lives here. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to disconnect the batteries, and one of them leaked, causing a problem. Chris though, got the contact cleaned up and I was able to practice...

Went into Shere to collect some Amazon packages, but I was too late, so we went on to the Mill to have a quick drink.

I have had to pack this evening... we're going up to London for the week that I will be working in Head office. Saves a long commute to and back from work... seeing as I am not used to it all all, living 10 minutes from work in Dubai!

PS. I should have blipped the decking which G has been working on for the past week - dealing with the mould and filling cracks in the wood, and now staining. She's hoping to do a weatherproof coat but time may run out again.

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