The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

Tin House Elphin

A day of hot sunny sunshine with just enough breeze to keep the midgies away.

I dropped Apothecary7 off at Bridge House Art about 9am. Maeve the Deerhound and I went to Ardmair. The water was flat calm and the sky and sea blue. I watched the Stornoway ferry come in though the Summer Isles and head up Loch Broom. We had a walk round. The caravan park was very busy. Most people say hello and one or two pass the time of day. I had a chat with a couple with a small dog. 

I noticed that I wrote most of that on the Thursday last year. Exactly the same today, other than the chat with the couple with the small dog. Amazing !

Maeve and I drove North to Lochinver. Into Sutherland, very much big mountain country. We didn't rush. I stopped a few times on the way to take photos. At Lochinver I parked further on then I have done before (it was busy) and we had a walk along to the pier then back into the village. One side of the road has part of the pavement in shade which is handy for Maeve. I decided not to go to Inverkirkaig today. A few miles of very bendy, up and down, single track road didn't appeal in the heat. 

On the way North I had noticed the tearoom at Elphin was closed. Last year I had stopped there on the way South and had Scones and tea sitting outside with a view to Suilven. Not to be this year. The tearoom was closed when I was coming back South too. I just came back to Ullapool instead for a late lunch at the house and to let Maeve cool off properly for a while. I noticed all the cars were at Bridge House Art so I don't know if they were working locally this morning or were just still there after their lunch. Once Maeve had cooled off enough she went out to lie in the sun in the garden.

We went back to Ardmair for the rest of the afternoon. We had another wander round, then I read some more of my book sitting at the back of the stony beach where there was a breeze and Maeve lay on the grass.

Back to Bridge House Art about 5pm to see if the painters have finished for the day. It turns out they had stayed local today. They had been working down by the river in the shade with the cool water rushing by. A good idea. I saw the resulting artworks. Apothecary7 has been very colourful and adventurous.

E-PL5 f/11 1/320 sec. ISO-200 39mm

1. The Summer Isles from Ullapool
2. The Ceilidh Place
3. Ben Mor Coigach
4. Suilven from Elphin
5. Suilven from Elphin
6. Ardvreck Castle

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