Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


An old Roman statue that immortalizes beauty and youthful vigor with an introvert glance ~ it covers my thoughts on talks with my daughter.

Midday my daugther called me in distress; she'd just heard from her best schoolfriend with whom she's kept up friendship ever since and now is a woman in the prime of her life at 35 with 3 young bairns and a career she loves, she's learned that her health complaints of recent are the symptoms of her suffering from ALS/MND?!! Hawkings' disease?!

She & her man, her relatives and friends amongst whom my daughter received this diagnose like her death sentence, what I suppose is correct as this progressive disaese can be agressively fast and has no cure yet. Tears and goosepimples over the shock of this news my girl and I had while on the phone.
And then my daughter told me that her friend had responded to her amongst others with her sober note that "Life isn't always fair" and that they both cherished in those words their recognition of her strong character and her resilience.

I'm glad they'll meet soon again and probably will talk over how to give hands to their friendship in the near future.

I imagine I'll have to comfort my daughter in coming times more often as life isn't always fair (this is her 2nd friend from her youth who fights a lethal disease).

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