Time Warp . . .

A hole in the space time contingency found me approaching the camera.
Either that or it was a ghost – same thing I suppose . . .
Ok, I was experimenting with the different effects that you can get with long exposures in readiness to going out for real.  What I really wanted to do was to go into Bourne at take some very long exposures in the middle of town, but I just could not summon up the energy, so this is one of the trial shots.
Plenty of fuzz from the willow tree blowing in the wind gives it the ‘hole in the fabric of space’ look.
Maybe tomorrow Bourne (or somewhere).
Footnote – Yesterday I was singing the filter’s praises only having a very slight blue shift.  When I came to process this shot from raw I found my shirt had a pinkish tinge, which was disappointing, so I made some slight ‘colour tint’ adjustments.  As I sit typing I see I am wearing a salmon brown stripy shirt . . . (Poor old chap – getting old you know!?).

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