A Bombilla For Your Mate ,

No not for your friend or pal .Rather your tea , A Bombilla is a silver straw  to drink your Argentian tea which is pronounced Ma-tay .I bought this and a couple more for friends years back when in Argentina . The tea is usually made and served in gourds. I was presented with an engraved  horn container. The brew is rather bitter & more like Japanese Green tea.  Tea drinking is a very social event and I do mean social. You share the same cup and straw.  No good for those who are  obsessive re germs   Two facts to remember :)
a) never say thank you for the tea and b) never stir the tea with the metal straw.. This is akin to us drinking from the saucer ..:)
Note) I preferred  coffee, water, evenings and Pisco Sour..
Blow the germs, tea unless real Russian is not my drink .

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