
Beautiful hot sunny day and I'm off, that's a result :) Jack was sat chatting to Oscar this morning too cute.

The boy had a fab day with Harriet playing mostly in and around the pool. I managed to get some time to sit in the garden and read my book.

Has Grandma round all afternoon and she was very tired kept falling asleep. Took her home at 7 and phone rang at 8 saying the house full of 'those that open up and want me gone' she was distressed but settled her down. So hard to deal with really as either way she gets upset, if you ignore she then thinks people are all in the house trying to evict her and if you say not real she gets cross or upset. What's weird is 80% of the time she is fine it just comes on quickly and goes again.

Anyway apart from that it's been a fabulous day

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