It's official.......

..... the pollen season has started early and I've gone wacky!!

The fine pollen of our pine forests, of which NZ has many, is now being carried by the winds like dust storms. Not sure how I will cope this year, if I disappear for a while you'll know why.

Not feeling like being outside even though it's a beautiful spring-like day, I made a quick dash round to the back of the house to get a shot of my leucadendron. Because it's Abstract Thursday and the theme is 'Fun', I faffed around with it - reminds me of nature's bow, it was fun creating it and seems a little festive which can signify fun times. It certainly turned a boring image into something a little bit special.

My 'Wintry' scene and words from yesterday seemed to be enjoyed by many, warm thanks for your lovely words, stars and hearts, which are always greatly appreciated.

Thanks to youroregon1 for hosting Abstract Thursday.

Happy Thursday everyone :)

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