The Occasional Blipper...

By st3f

Dunsappie Loch by Moonlight

I've been up and down Arthur's Seat a whole load of times, partly as it's Dave's tradition to head up there at some point during the fringe but mostly because it's pretty much in my back garden. 

That said, I'd never been up it an night. So, equipped with torches (always bring a spare – one of mine died on the way up) and Dave with a head-torch we made an ascent. I can attest to the fact that my fear of heights is unaffected by darkness but regrets the point of contact my body has to sacrifice by carrying a torch. Next time it's head-torches all the way. 

Dunsappie loch is most of the way down and is civilised enough to have park benches that you can rest a camera on. This is fairly heavily processed in a effort to make it look like moonlight, otherwise it never does.

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