But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

It's Plastic.

The day started off badly with Jnr complaining that the interweb wasn’t working, what he had failed to notice was that neither was anything else in the house. Breakfast is normally eaten cold in our household but the coffee is preferably drunk hot; we were just about to depart for the garden emporium and a caffeine fix when the power returned, but we went anyway. Before we went away on holiday, we had entered a small photography competition at our favourite coffee haunt and the results should have been announced by now, so there was an ulterior motive.
While we were there, we were both having problems with hayfever, we can only assume that we are allergic to the flowers used as table decorations; had they raided their greenhouses for real flowers we would probably have been alright.
Lunch was consumed with a few cups of coffee before we had summoned up enough energy to make inquiries about the competition and we were duly informed that the results had been posted on Facebook; a quick reference on an assistant's phone confirmed that the prize winners had been announced while we were having lunch, that Mrs TD had won and I had come third, so we now have sixty-five pounds between us to spend there on our next visit. Did I mention that it was a small competition? There were very nearly eight entries in total but then, as Herself pointed out in her rather mercenary way, it did raise the odds in our favour.

I've just posted, "Saint Helen's Kirk (again)" from Wednesday the 17th.

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