
By shotbyrichie


I spotted this toy on the plinth of the memerial to Edith Cavell on St Martins in London this morning. It was surrouned by a white chalk line with the message "Hope 7/8/12" written next to it.

I am intrigured as to what it is for!

Edith Louisa Cavell (4 December 1865 - 12 October 1915) was a British nurse and patriot. She is celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers from all sides without distinction and in helping some 200 Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during World War I, for which she was arrested. She was subsequently court-martialled, found guilty of treason and sentenced to death.

Despite international pressure for mercy, she was shot by a German firing squad. Her execution received worldwide condemnation and extensive press coverage. (Wikipedia)

If anyone can shine some light on the Blip it would be good to hear from you.

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