Car reflections

I felt like a bit of a twirl today, mainly because I spent a chunk of the day wrestling with software. It's satisfying to finally problem solve to a solution but it does make me feel a little dull. Anyhow, this started as Wilson's car park signage and pay machine reflected in the side of a car.

Tonight's task is to see if I can initiate some action with EQC. They have agreed to fix my botched repairs (and do stuff that should have been done the first time round). The assessment is done and I understood costings for the work are close to complete, but they've gone very quiet.

I suspect the Christchurch offices are in disarray as the genius who heads EQC has decided to gut it of staff before they've dealt with the 6,500 + homes that need a second round of repairs. All the more reason to push for mine to be done this side of Christmas and before staff are shed.

Best I get on with it so I can have some down time this evening.

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