
By BikerJim

~Black Cloud~

~At Sunset~

I am fascinated by photography and its related subjects.
I was up again very early, before dawn, out taking pictures.
And as you can see, I was doing the same thing after sunset.
In between those times, I took a 'few' more photos, as well.
Please don't think that all I did was camera work all day long.
I managed to fit in 4 hours with the local photography club.
Also had breakfast, lunch, 3 hour nap (I am retired) and dinner.
Then after dinner I put in 3 or so hours of Photoshop work.
Some might say I'm obsessed, addicted, or a hopeless compulsive.
I would counter, I'm infatuated with photography and it's minions.
Photography has helped fulfilled a life long desire to create art.
I am an artist, finally, though some may, and will, disagree with me.
But as I've mention before, it doesn't matter what others may think.
What matters is what I think, what I know, and I know I am an Artist!

Wow, glad I got that out!!!
And after 5 days it will be written in stone.
Never to be edited out of The Blip.
Thanks for visiting, looking and reading.
I really appreciate you stopping by.
Thanks ;o)

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