
By FrankS

Home Alone, again

August is a busy month with the chalet being fully booked so Ann has had to pop down to the seaside again between guests. If it wasn't for all the work I know she has to do at the chalet I'd begin to feel jealous!

Trying to get my BlipPhoto photo/journal on track again, I begin to panic when I fall a couple of days behind, fearing I'll never catch up with myself. I know that's irrational, but then who said I ever was/am/will be?

Hopefully this evening should nail it with me being up to date. I mentioned yesterday that Emma had come around and given me a Jaguar branded pen, along with the promise of more goodies to come, so in an idle minute this morning I decided to try it out, using a Google Image as my model. Not a bad doodle I suppose, though the letters are a bit rubbish, writing never was my strong point. I suppose as a techno geek I should have done the whole thing on my tablet, but then what would have been the point in that, unless I was using a stylus, but that defeats the object in having a nice new pen?

For tea tonight I made stir fry vegetables on noodles flavoured with Oyster Sauce, using another of our home grown courgettes. Not too bad, even if I say so myself, well no one else is going to :(

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