
By Fisherking

........A new Lowe..........

Is this what I'm reduced to on a Saturday night?................Strictly Come Dancing!

Although Daisy Lowe is definitely worth looking at................but seriously failed politician Ed Testicles? Does he have any idea what a prat he's going to look like?...........and to think a few years ago he came to visit my workplace as the Minister for Education........and we all danced to his tune.

Long day today.......sleeping not too good last night.......awake four times in 6 1/2 hours...........but surprisingly quite energetic this morning.........fed the cats,dealt with the litter tray, emptied the dishwasher, breakfast, brought the newly emptied and cleaned bin round to the back of the house, bit of a vacuum........felt ok.

The Daughter came round early afternoon bringing my latest batch of medication..........she stayed about an friend and ex-colleague the lovely G texted and called in. She's just retired..........we did lots of catching up........and talked about how strange retirement is when there's no pressure............not seeing several hundred people each marking or prep............I think we might have many meetings if only to help keep each other sane.

The Daughter came back at 5.00 to take me for tea at her house.........the S & H and the family were all there................lovely steak burgers with sweet potato fries......followed by ice cream from the village shop......nothing artificial.

Back home.......and the day is catching up with me.......knees are aching......feeling tired............but again a good tired.........small victories over the MS...........and surrounded by people I love............winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Might settle down to a movie........Lone Survivor..........seen it before but it's a real man's to get the frocks and sequins out of my mind!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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