Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

Gone fishing

This is a loch I've spent a lot of time in.

I decided to revisit it today after many years.

It rained hard, I got soaked, I caught nothing.

I was shocked at how low the water was. I walked on dry land and stood in spots where I had some of my most memorable catches in the past. Instead of being disappointed I very much enjoyed seeing these spots and how the floor of the loch looked.

Think it was more of a research trip today than a fishing trip. On speaking to some guys working there, turns out it was drained by a quarter to allow some dredging work to be done.

Think I'll go back when it's full. Highlight of the day was watching the osprey in this pic. 10 points if you spot it. It had about as much luck as me today!

Thanks for looking.

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