The Daily Record

By havohej

Broccoli Broccoli

Broccoli 'Broccoli' (Rugger Bugger Discs, 1996)

'Home' by Broccoli was my favourite record of 1998. If there was any justice in the world Dundee's Broccoli would be mentioned whenever there's one of those 'Greatest Scottish Bands of all Time' lists drawn up. Unfortunately, they don't, but there was a time in 1998/99 when Broccoli should have become the biggest melodic punk rock band in the world.

Whilst this debut LP doesn't quite hit the heights of their classic sophomore effort, it's still a brilliant example of the 'gruff punk' sound which was taken into a greater realm of success by many of the No Idea bands, most notably Hot Water Music. Of course all the bands who peddle this type of punk all pay homage to Sunderland's Leatherface, but I never really got Leatherface in the same way as I did Broccoli.

However, to further enforce their debt to Leatherface the Broccoli boys had Frankie Stubbs record their debut which must have been a thrill for both parties because the results are bordering on excellence. The tunes storm along at a rocking pace, like a beefier Husker Du, and always maintain a grit that, despite the bouncy bass lines, never veers too much towards pop punk. Broccoli would have found it incredibly easy to become a Face to Face clone, but they avoid such pitfalls with aplomb.

Dripping in melancholy melodies and layers of guitars, piano and vocals ('All the seasons feel the same') 'Splinter' is probably my favourite track and 'Lean' is a definite pointer towards what they would perfect on 'Home'. There are times when Samiam come to mind, 'Cherry Drop Club' in particular, but Broccoli are one of those rare bands who, when they at their peak, only really remind you of Broccoli. The end of 'Weltsschmerz' is one of those moments; so heavy yet so tuneful, only Broccoli do that style so well; perfect air guitar music!

For interest : the original bass player of Broccoli, Zoff, as I knew him then, or Paul, as I would later know him, was instrumental in my developing more extreme tastes in music, thanks in the main to him making the gym teacher play Kreator at the School disco and constantly talking about bands like Sodom. It's a twisted web the Scottish punk scene I tell ye!


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