Head Over Heals

Not quite the day I had planned! Started a Mountain Bike Orienteering event based in Cropton. This was relatively close to home and on an area I was familiar with. Selected a route which gained height using the roads and then looked to pick up points in the forest.

However yesterday's rain meant there were some greasy surfaces and as I descended a steep hill I was having difficulty controlling the speed when I hit a pothole. As I flew over the handlebars I remember trying to land on the verge rather than the Tarmac. Feeling a little shook up I decided to get back on the bike and see how I felt.

Weight bearing on my right leg gradually got worse and by the time I got back to the car I couldn't put foot to floor. After a rather long time in A & E they decided I had got away without fracturing my pelvis and the pain was muscular. Now home on crutches having narrowly escaped from being admitted!

My blipping may be curtailed for a while.

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