View from the ....

... hotel pool.

With my brother out of town Mom, Nancy and I were on our own today.  They aren't outdoor-sy type people but I was able to convince them to check the Nuese River Greenway Trail.

We went to a couple of access points, including the access point pictured in the link above!  This spot was the better of the two we visited.  Along this trail we saw a great blue heron and some turtles.

As it was very hot today we didn't stay long at either location along the trail.  Once we stopped for lunch we headed back to the hotel for a swim in the pool.  

We had made arrangements to take my sister-in-law and my niece to dinner tonight as my brother is still out of town at his training.  He will be back tomorrow evening and we will get together with him then.  We leave on Thursday morning tomorrow night will be the last time to see each other before we leave. 

Backblipped: September 19, 2016

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