People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Monkey Grass

Variegated Liriope is one of the most common edge plants and groundcovers here in the South. It is so common, I no longer see it. Only a search for a blip this afternoon made me notice it again. It looks quite spectacular, to be honest!

I am studying for GRE (Graduate Record Examination), a standardized test used for admissions into graduate programs at many (if not most) American universities. I gotta do what I gotta do, but I tell you secretly I could do without.

I also had my first swim lesson on Tuesday and am doing my homework, a number of drills to get my freestyle to actually get me places. It is humbling to learn a new thing. I tire easily, can't figure out how to breathe, wave my arms in the most inefficient manner. I'm itching to switch to breast stroke (which I got down), but that wouldn't help me learn freestyle now, would it...

BUT - even in just two days I feel tiny improvements when I'm in the water.

The cool thing about it is that I have to think about what I'm doing, which means I can't be thinking about anything else. This meditative quality is vastly different than my walking/jogging routine, which was all automatic.

Swimming meditation? Me likes.

Does The Dalai Lama know how to swim?

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