Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Today my friends left on their way back to Brussels via the Olympics on Friday. Sad to see them go. Not sure when we will see them again, October maybe? But at least they are closer than when they lived in Oman and Cairo!

Gillian and I managed to go for a run together for the first time in a very long time (We have been training together since I was 13). Made me realise how much quicker I would get fit if I had someone to run with all the time.

After they had gone on their way I took Carys to see The Lorax hoping to have a better experience than when she cried at The Muppets in Feb. It was in 3D, which I didnt realise when I booked the tickets, but it was quite cool. Carys looked really cute in her glasses and almost made it as todays blip. However I can easily say that she didn't enjoy the film, sobbing halfway through and asking to go home! She was persuaded to stay by sitting on my knee. She loves the Dr. Suess books so I thought as it was an animation and therefore thought she wouldn't mistake it for 'real life' we would be ok. Needless to say I am not going to try the pictures again with her for a while!

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