Blipmeet with Pleach

Let me first thank you Pleach the blipper for the splendid idea to have a blipmeet with you and your husband in Helsinki! And I am happy that also my daughter and his boyfriend could meet us all.

The day has been extraordinany lazy. Too early train to Helsinki to attend into a lessons at 9am. Got off from work around 14pm and met Pleach in the afternoon.

Waiting for the blipmeeting, I had speldid time for photographing. And I realized that Helsinki does not actually inspire me too much... then I found these seagulls. Big birds, sized like small dogs. We do not have too many seagulls back home in Tampere. And specially not this tame!

So I blipped one juvenile in front of his home (!? - no that is prescidential palace behind the bird).

On the way back home Finnish railways had some technical problems (as it often has)...

Lovely day anyway!


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