
She loves to leap.
We love a beautiful sunset.
We love combining the two.

She started the day on her clarinet, before her friend arrived. Katie had a piano lesson but lydia sat in it listening to the whole thing. B has decided next term Katie will take her G2 piano and then her G3 clarinet. She is working so hard at the moment, it's nice to see it paying off.

School seemed uninspiring to her today but one of the TAs came over to me after school to tell me that "Katie was their little geography whizz". They had been talking about Australasia and they loved Katie's in depth knowledge and excitement about Australia. She then also found Edinburgh on the map & showed it to her friends. The TA was really pleased with her.

We took her friend home after school with us as we do on Thursday. When we first got back to doing it this term, her friend whinged quite a lot in the way home but today they just skipped and laughed the whole way.

Dance class tonight. Katie came out pleased that the teacher had chosen her as one of the three girls who'd done the exercises best to demonstrate. We were meant to go to a concert tonight but we were both tired and decided it wouldn't be worth spending the money to fall asleep and miss the bit she really wanted to hear. So we ran and danced in the evening light before we went home and had hot chocolate and an episode of a new show we have discovered with her snuggled in my arms.

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