I know for a lot of gardeners, it is very important to “dead-head” flowers so that new ones can take the place of the dead ones, but I sometimes like to leave the dead or almost dead ones and just enjoy their beauty too.
I have no idea what this rose is called, but it is a climber that has emerged since we cut back the honeysuckle earlier in the year and it has been beautiful – and still is.  When I looked at this particular flower today, I realise that I felt a bit like this yesterday – a little "frayed around the edges" – but today, after another early night last night and a good long sleep, I am refreshed and raring to go. 
Mr. HCB has decided not to go to cricket today, mainly because he thinks the game will be over by mid afternoon, and the M4 on a Friday afternoon is not that pleasant – he may feel he should have gone when I tell him that we need to go to Waitrose to do some shopping – but I will break it to him very gently!
There was certainly an autumnal feel in our conservatory this morning and it was even chillier when I opened the door, but the sun is shining and Mr. HCB is already making plans to mow the lawn later – but it needs to dry off a little, so our shopping trip should fit in well.
So back to dead-heading or pruning – perhaps I need to consider what needs to be dead-headed in my life - since constant pruning is necessary in our lives so that we can reach our full potential.  Even at my age, I know that there are things that need to be removed from my life or changed, so that I can become the person God wants me to be and maybe the autumn is a good time to do that.
“As the gardener, by severe pruning,
     forces the sap of the tree
          into one or two vigorous limbs,
so should you stop off your miscellaneous activity
     and concentrate your force on
          one or a few points.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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