
By HareBrain

Puppet on a string

My lovely boss has had her tonsils removed today and I've been flat out at work with no time to go out at lunchtime even. Had to shoot home and get ready for a night out on the town - well hardly, just some good pub grub, a glass of wine, or two ..... and a wind down with some of the girls from work.

I still haven't had time to investigate a blip of any sort. However, before I got ready for this night out I had to go and feed the fish at my nice neighbours' house as they are away on holiday for a week and I have been nominated to feed the fish. Well, the fish turn out to be not your ordinary kind in a round bowl but some exotic looking fellas, all very brightly coloured and there is a pump, lights and a thermometer thingie. I have to feed the fish around 15 flakes of food each day. They say not to worry if any of them die, but I will be gutted if they do as I am sure the children will be very upset!! Let's hope there isn't a power cut, or anything like that. I still havn't found a blip but just before leaving the neighbours' house I see this gorgeous puppet hanging from a curtain rail (no doubt brought back from one of their exotic holidays). It would have been better if I could have taken a pic of the whole puppet but the light source was bad and I dare not move it in case the strings broke so just had to be content with the top half.

Had a nice evening out and the band in the pub were excellent, as was the food and the wine.

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