Nutty Bird

Back to the garden again.............
I took this when I popped home at lunchtime, as I had to let H&Z out because C was working today too.
The garden was a-flurry with them. They obviously wait until we're out to come and help themselves. The wood next do where we live is absolutely full of little feathery friends, and it's nice to see them popping round for a feed.
Thanks you so much to everyone who commented and left me stars and hearts yesterday. I will reply, but just haven't had a chance yet (it's almost 8:30 pm and I've just arrived back home). They were all very much appreciated.
I actually forgot on the day that it was my 1,000th. That's what comes with having several email addresses to check.............I saw my emails (this morning) saying I had some hearts, and that was a lovely surprise.
I did think that I may call it a day now. We'll see. It's extremely hard to get in from work and start again on the computer -  and even just to take photos on working days is often not easy, especially with winter looming again. If you notice that I'm no longer around - that'll be the reason. 

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