Going for Gold

The finale to my Olympic journey concludes this evening with me completing the One Year Blip race.
It is a gruelling event with 365 phases, for which points are awarded by any number of random passers-by as well as some more regular followers.

The year may not have ended in the way I expected yet the anticipation expressed in my first blip is not diminished.

It's certainly been a roller coaster of a ride, with laughter and tears along the way. There have been high and lows, there have been spotlights and even a staff pick of the week.

My warm thanks go to everyone in the blip community who has cheered me on along the way.

"Will you carry on Amanda?" I hear you ask with baited breath.
"Of course!!" While my search continues for the next Mr Hugankiss, so too will the antics be recorded here. Lets hope it doesn't take another 365 days

My thanks, once again, go to the artist Richard J Smith for his help in creating this blip!!!!!!!!!!!

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