Train Spotting

Oh dear I have some very sad news. I have been struggling with this for a while recently but the light dawned this morning as I positively ran down the slope to the station platform. I have become a.. a.. a.. hushed tones here a..  Txxxx Sxxxxxx!!  They say to admit things is the first step ..... I'll spit it out a ............. Train Spotter!!! THERE! There you have it, written in black and white - an admission of mammoth proportions. How on earth has this awful thing happened to me of all people? 

This is the Foremarke Hall locomotive chugging into Cheltenham Station with Hawksworth tender 4084 and magnificent she looked too! Built in Swindon in 1949, named after the great house in Derbyshire,  she was the first loco to cover the distance from Plymouth to Paddington in under 4 hours but withdrawn from service in 1964.  Thankfully she was bought by enthusiasts and restored by 2003. 

I would add as a saving grace that although it looked like rain I wasn't wearing an anorak!

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