Flying the Flag

Finally got the last two loads of garden refuse removed and on the way back from the last load, detoured to go past the Baufritz site at Erkheim as today was their annual "Open Day" and celebrating their 120th anniversary this year. The place was heaving and I didn't dare drive into town where the main production buildings are.

The flags were the subject of my 4th Blip back in 2011, titled "Patriotism". Baufritz is a very successful builder of environmentally friendly but high tech timber-framed houses, probably Germany's best but it has its price. They employ some 250 people which makes it very important for the local economy. I wonder how their operations in the UK will fare Brexit and the added price hike of the falling value of the GBP. Given the non-EU Swiss flag is flying next to the Union Jack, I suspect they will survive. However, this week's UK press reports about the dreadful investment by foreigners in the UK housing market may put people off. I suspect the UK home shortage has little to do with foreigners but in the current mood, it makes a good line. I wonder if the French, Spanish, Italians will start investigating the UK citizens owning villas that are largely empty for much of the year. This is getting much more than silly and will soon start to change the still positive attitude towards the UK.

Back home to find a joiner climbing on our roof. Angie had mentioned to a friend in the village that the two quotes we have now received for re-roofing our house are astronomic. The friend's husband has a window/door business and is as most in such trades, has good connections and is himself fit in such matters. He said he would come by with a friend who was a joiner to have a look. They also concluded there were several things we had been told we needed which were not necessary. Hope the new quote will be better value but we now have to reckon that the work will have to wait until next year - by then we will know more what Brexit means and I can work out how little UK pension I will be getting,if any!

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