The Tree

Wanaka, and yes it was as cold as it looks. The lake is very low and often is totally surrounded with water giving some brilliant reflections.

I have never photographed "the tree" before, but have admired it from many photographers long before the photographers became blippers. Taken quite early this morning, before the rain set in.

I was being harrassed, whistled, yahooed at and various other things as I was taking a few very quick pictures. This little group of young people were huddled on the beach whilst some of the party were throwing stones at the ducks, grrrrr. They were to the left of the picture. So I didn't want to get too near them and quickly left them to it. They did give me a cheer as I left, and I waved :)

We were looking after Oscar this morning whilst the others went up Cardrona Ski Field. We took him to the play ground, it was very quiet as it was miserably cold.....then to the coffee shop for us and a "fluffy" for Oscar. I kept a sharp eye for Tussock but she must have been tucked up under the stairs.....that would have been my choice too.

It rained all the way home, but no snow as predicted. And still raining really heavy!!


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