
By JockMcGrumpy

Missing Traquair

Summer's nearly done now as the schools go back in a couple of days. It never really got going till the start of Agust as July was just a glut of rain and grey skies. Now that we have got into a Summer groove, it's time to stop which is a great shame. It doesn't really feel like we had a proper Summer. It hasn't been helped by the Traquair Fair taking a rest this year. That's been a high point of my summer for around ten years now and I'm looking forward to going next year to f chill out, enjoy some good music, watch some crazy acts and have some of this from the beer tent. This is the bottled version. Traquair Ale in bottles. Had one last night while thinking about this and just had to blip it. If you like beer, get hold of some. Delishhh

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