An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Chatted to John and Norma over a leisurely (and healthy :-) breakfast of cereal and fresh fruit.  When they headed off, I took advantage of the fact half the builders are on holiday this week and go my car out of the driveway without any major manoeuvres.

Drove round to the field that joins the street behind our house planning to get some lovely autumnal shots of the hay bales.   Sadly three quarters of the field had already had the bales removed so it wasn't quite as dramatic as when I saw it last week (but didn't have my camera!)

Back home to give Alan lunch then apply myself to answering the load of emails sent by the builder attaching photos of various doors.   My head was spinning after 10 minutes so just had to have a nap.  Unfortunately I conked out for two hours.  I suppose that's to be expected when I was awake from 2am - 4am with my head whirling with all the stuff we need tot think about over the coming week.

Alan's new support worker Ashleigh came looking for me to tell me the good news that while she was giving Alan his tube milk, she was suddenly unable to get any milk to pass down the tube and it appeared the tube was blocked.  Great.

Checked it out and confirmed what she had said was true.  Phoned the dietician who advised I try putting some hot water down the tube to see if that cleared it.  It didn't.  She also suggested pushing the tip of one of the special syringes we have into the actual button in Alan's tummy.  Given that my hands have no strength in them I thought I would leave that task to David.

Thankfully, when he got in from work and tried the syringe method, it worked and the tube unblocked.  Phew!  He's my hero :-)

Now we are sitting enjoying a cuppa as David has just emailed the builder with our final choice of internal doors.   So glad that decision has been made.

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