Malt & Hops

Out to the builders supplies place out at Inglis Green, where we met a very nice young man called George who showed us a variety of paving stones. They all look a bit dull. I may have to send out to Sicily for some marble. Then on to the fireplace place - again, no luck - no log baskets, coal scuttles or ash cans! Well, none suitable.
Back and out to the Malt & Hops to meet with imindoors awhile. And sup some beers and talk the usual erudite shit. But no footy chat at all! Then, hot foot to the AGM! The boatie club AGM. Treasurer again - a shoe in. And the usual suspect raised the usual points which riled the other usual suspect. Now, now, gentlemen. 
And afterwards a swift pint and home - my turn to cook! Fish fingers in pitta bread. Just delicious. With mayo of course; I really don’t think salad cream goes, but I need to allow some leeway (nautical sexy talk) I guess.

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