Long day

I wasn't impressed when my alarm went off this morning - I rarely am!! My day went like this:

Sorted post
Delivered post
Dashed home
Drank coffee/ ate toast
Collected the Noo
Handed over Noo to childminder
(Arranged for GravyC to collect ZQ who had inconveniently injured his knee at school)
Collected post
Dashed home
Delivered the Noo to school for film evening
Ran a lap of the town
Collected Noo from school (8.30pm)!!!

I ran my lap of the town (4.1 hilly miles) in 31.5 minutes. It was very comfortable, "but I used to do 2 laps and the 2nd lap took 28 minutes" I moaned to GravyC! "But that was almost 10 years ago! You have to be realistic!!!" he said! Well, being realistic means lowering my expectations so......I reckon I can still get round in 28 minutes!!!

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