Life Photographically.

By SaraJean

For those of you who have me on FB then you heard my camera news, and now everyone knows, and can see!

So this is my budding collection of film cameras. You saw the canon when I bought it off a friend in november. The other two are what I am really excited about...

Back Story
I work at this lovely restaurant downtown, where we have a handful of "regulars" that are in almost everyday, and over time you get talking. So this one day one of our regulars, an older man who bikes everywhere and stops in most days for a beer to cool down with, came in and somehow we started talking about school, and me going into a photography program. He then asked what I shot with, and upon realising that I shoot Nikon he told me he had a few film cameras he was looking to re home to someone who would use and take care of them, and said he'd bring them in later that week.

I was very grateful, but never though any more about it until he showed up a few days later with the two nikons in the photo, an F 801 s and F80 with a 50mm prime, 75-240mm lenses and a SB-23 flash!
on a side note, anyone know if the older flashes work on the digitals? I know the lenses do fir sure

I was floored!

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