
We did a reconnaissance trip to Smeaton this morning in preparation for the Pilgrimage which is in less than two weeks. We were sorting out camping space for those who wish to camp.

We decided to take Cousteau with us for the road trip. He had a ball. Lots of little walks and then a longer one before we headed home. This was one of our short strolls to see Anderson's Mill. I had never seen it before and really liked it. Cousteau did too.

Home briefly, before heading to Aunty S's place for dinner. Lovely to catch up with her, and of course, Little Miss was delighted to see her favourite Aunty.

Little Miss is in bed pre-9 pm, which is a win! We're just doing a few bits and pieces before heading to our own bed.

We suspect that Cousteau might be suffering from CCD (Canine Cognitive Disorder) or just plain dementia. As soon as the light is turned out, he is up and about, panting and acting as if he has anxiety. He tries to back into the smallest corner he can and is unresponsive to us. He stares at the wall and just won't settle. This has been going on every night since Wednesday and we're both a little exhausted. Tonight, I'm trying some Rescue Remedy and closing our bedroom door so that he feels a little less disoriented. We changed his food on Wednesday so wonder if that has anything to do with it. He is due his next blood test this week, so we'll talk to our vet about it then. Quite aside from the fact that we need to sleep, we hate the thought that he is stressed and anxious, so we want to get to the bottom of it if we can.

Here's to a (hopefully) good night.

Night all.


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