... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Hayfever Eye

More textural in large...

Well, let me just say that my eye started it; I was quite startled by the state of my right eye when I saw myself in the bathroom mirror this morning. I left it at that until bright sunshine started to pour through the gap between my curtains straight across my eye, so I got out the macro lens (and operated my camera by tethering it to Lightroom)... I selected the least gruesome-seeming ones, but realise that this might still seem a bit "TMI"; my left eye looked rather less red.

For those interested in eyes (or for a case study in unsympathetic skin tones in portraiture), the others are right from here.

p.s. My eyes just look brown, but the piercing light pouring through the window seems to have found quite a lot of yellow/green.

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